Becoming 360 Training Blog Procrastination - how to overcome it and help others do the same

Procrastination - how to overcome it and help others do the same



Most people do, but when it becomes chronic and holds you back from creating the business and life you love then it's time to take some (aligned) action to work your way through it.


Understanding what is underneath the procrastination is the key, because generally it's a protective action in order to avoid something we find scary.

As Coaches & Mentors, we regularly help clients through their procrastination by understanding what's really at the root of it. What they're avoidng is usually linked to a whole heap of limiting beliefs and stories they've created about not feeling safe.

Here is an example of how it can impact your business...

The lady who hates to post on social media - knows she SHOULD to build her business but cannot bring herself to hit POST, if she does create a post she'll spend ages pouring over it, post it and then delete it.

When I started working with her and we dug a bit deeper as to why she found it so hard - here's what came up....

She was picked on at school when she spoke up and was worried about being 'picked' on again on social media - the issue at school had left her with emotional scarring that was still impacting her today (30+ years later)

So the PROCRASTINATION wasn't because she was being faffy or couldn't get her act together - her impulse to make the post PERFECT was linked to this old scarring about 'speaking up', getting something wrong and being picked on - if she remains invisible, she won't get picked on.

So we worked on the issues / stories that were lying underneath the action of procrastination - which was protecting her.

We also came up with alternative ways she could market her business, because if social media simply felt too jarring and she kept coming up against the same fear that stopped her from taking action, then we had to find ways around it that meant she could still move forward and feel good about it.

Otherwise she'll just keep beating herself up about WHAT A FAILURE SHE IS for not posting on social media and the little progress her business is making.

The result: She started working in a different way to market her business until she felt confident enough to post on social media, ways that felt safer and wouldn't trigger the subconscious into the procrastinating actions again - and with the awareness of what's underneath came great power, because she can choose her actions once now understanding what she's protecting. Instead of it stopping her in her tracks, she's now moving forward.


Well you could say, "oh I know it, I'm definitely a procrastinator" but we don't always because our subconscious has got very good at protecting us and misdirecting us.

For example:

"I will put my prices up, when I've finished this next certification"

"The kids are off school and I have no time, so I'll do it next week"

"I'll start that class in January when everyone is ready"

These all sound REALLY smart and logical but they are all avoidance tactics which are still hiding the fact that there is fear underlying the action.


Fear of success is VERY common in entrepreneurs - often busy and overwhelmed entrepreneurs, and it can be a way to protect themselves from getting even more busy and overwhelmed but also linked to:

- Not wanting to make more money than their partner
- Taking time away from loved ones
- Being more visible and potentially exposed
- Having to physically deal with more people (and their issues)
- Not feeling worthy of the money
- Fearing losing the money / success once achieving it
- Not fitting in with current tribe


Step 1 - Be compassionate. Recognise this is a FEAR that is being masked by this behaviour

Step 2 - If you can, or with the help of a coach, try to understand what the REAL fear is

Step 3 - Sometimes understanding the real fear is enough to transform it, sometimes you can use a REFRAME

Eg. I'm really afraid that my partner will leave me if I make more money than them REFRAMED TO: When I increase my income myself and my partner can jointly celebrate my success and we can invest more time in spending meaningful time together PLUS I will talk to my partner and tell them how I feel.

Step 4 - Everytime you procrastinate - recognise it for what it is and call it out. In fact you could call it a name "There's Pertula Procrastination again, I wonder what she's hiding from me?"

Step 5 - If you know how to do Tapping (EFT) you can work on the underlying issues or work with a Qualified Practitioner to help with the emotional charge that is around the fear.

Step 6 - Try to find alternative ways around that feel safer....take 'tiny steps' to achieve what you want to achieve.

Step 7 - Get some gentle accountability, not the sort that will shame you if you haven't done what you said, but support from people who care about yoru results.

Once you recognise it for what it is, procrastination can become a pathway to your uplevelment as you start to understand what is lying underneath it and you reframe or clear it, it allows you to step forward even more boldly into your soul success path.



One key way to overcome procrastination is by having ACCOUNTABILITY from people who have your back, in fact having accountability can impact your results tenfold and this is EXACTLY what we offer in both our Becoming 360 Soul Aligned Success Membership and Divine Goddess Business 10 Month Elite Mastermind.

If you'rte interested in us helping you achieve your SOUL GOALS of running a beautiful business, that feels joyous and in alignment with your authentic self then here is information on both:

Becoming 360 Soul Aligned Success Membership

Divine Goddess Business Elite Mastermind

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