Becoming 360 Training Blog Who else wants to become successful as a Law of Attraction Practitioner? Here's how...

Who else wants to become successful as a Law of Attraction Practitioner? Here's how...


Who else wants to become successful as a Law of Attraction Practitioner? Here's how...

.... If you're reading this because the title intrigued you, you're probably familiar with the film or the book THE SECRET? That's how I got introduced to the Law of Attraction, when a friend in 2006, casually mentioned this film that he'd watched. I immediately got hold of the DVD and watched it AND I was sold, I thought ALL my problems would dissolve as I trained my mind to ONLY THINK POSITIVELY - maybe you've done the same.

Like many folk, I found myself getting very dissappointed - I mean, where was the £10k per month, where was the nice house and where was all the hundreds of clients wanting to buy my products???? Even though I tried REALLY HARD to manifest them, they just didn't come!

I didn't give up though, because there was a lot of things I really liked from the film, such as gratitude lists, visualisation and thinking more positively - so these were easy to start incorporating into my life, but I pretty much gave up on the idea of anything manifesting from the sky.

I decided that if I WANTED anything to happen, I'd just have to WORK REALLY HARD to get it - and for the next 10 years, that's exactly what I did - because as far as I was concerned the LAW OF ATTRACTION did not work, at least it worked for parking spaces :-) but not the big important money!!

Over 10 years of struggle and slogging your guts out can take it's toll and by 2019 I was nearing burnout in my Health & Fitness business - by this time I had qualified online as a Life Coach, but I lacked confidence to pursue it as a career and so I shelved it :-( until having a chat with my now business partner, Lisa, I spoke about my feelings and she suggested I joined a free challenge a mentor of hers was running about growing your business.

Now to be honest, I can't really remember too much about the challenge, but what I did remember was this lady mentioned the words LAW OF ATTRACTION COACH on one of her calls - I didn't even know that was a thing, but I quickly researched online and discovered it was!!

I booked into the course and started learning all I could about the Law of Attraction - and it blew my mind!

You see the REASON that the Law of Attraction hadn't worked for me (or my perception of it not working) was because I didn't have a structure to follow - I mean I thought, just THINK POSITIVELY and it'll fall into your lap, and when it didn't, I decided that clearly it didn't work for me!

The thing I had missed was that IT'S A UNIVERSAL LAW - A LAW that works 100% of the time, if you follow the right steps (ta da) - I had my answer. The course laid out the steps and what I needed to do to help myself and teach others.

After that I decided to use my knowledge about the Law of Attraction and ATTRACT the type of business I wanted to run - not one on struggle and burnout but one that felt easy and joyful, one I looked forward to doing every day!

That was nearly 4 years ago now - I now run a gorgeous coaching business, I teach a couple of joyful fitness classes and have a beautiful business partnership with Lisa which goes from strength to strength as we build on the momentum of teaching female entrepreneurs, Soul-Aligned Business Strategy and a Life Coach training programme.

Here are the key things I learned from that course and you could too...

- Law of attraction is ALWAYS working - you just have to learn the structure of the law and how to apply it daily
- Struggle and stress will not get you the life of freedom and happiness most people want
- You absolutely CANNOT fake it with the Law of Attraction - you have to tune into the authentic feeling of what you want. Just THINKING it alone won't cut it.
- Training as a Law of Attraction Practitioner not only improves your ability to manifest BUT you can bring it into ANY areas of your life and business (You don't even have to be a coach - because it can work anywhere!)

If you want to learn the art of manifesting, then training in the LAW OF ATTRACTION is only going to increase your ability to go further than just being good at getting parking spaces...

Here are some of the things my clients have manifested....

- Cash bonuses
- New ideal clients
- Big orders out of the blue
- Job opportunities that were just what they wanted
- Houses that were ideal
- Unexpected cash refunds
- Free courses
- New business opportunities
- The man they ended up marrying!

I could go on :-) But when you really understand about manifesting via the Law of Attraction - life just becomes so much more FUN!

So are you interested in becoming a Law of Attraction Practitioner?
Even for yourself and your friends and family to benefit from?

We have a Brand New Law of Attraction & Spiritual Toolbox Practitioner Accredited Diploma coming up on 27th & 28th February 2023 - all the details are here


Here's what one our graduates said: "Lisa and Jo have a wealth of knowledge and are more than happy to share it with everyone. They are always happy to help and guide you through their fabulous in depth courses and also for general advice . I would recommend working with these ladies to everyone. Best decision I ever made and don’t regret a minute of all the training . Thank you ladies. " Jayne

Light & love


Stop being the understudy of your own life! Take the lead and take control of where you’re headed!

If you’re ready to embark on a transformative path, not just as a coach, but as the best version of yourself, then look no further.

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Just like these wonderful ladies, you can become the star of your own life and becoming the guiding light to others.

Are you ready to say ‘action’? 🎬

For more details, click here ⬇️

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