Becoming 360 Training Blog The 3 key steps to help your ideal clients find you

The 3 key steps to help your ideal clients find you


When you are wanting to build a successful business it is essential to know the different strategies that are to be applied within business that will help you to create profit and sustainability AND also know the next strategy to focus on, along with the necessary strategic steps you need to take to help you to achieve the next business growth goals.

One such strategy that is needed early on in your business is something known as ideal client / avatar / your niche – this refers to the person who you would love to support within your business. 

Your most ideal perfect client who is just perfect for your business offer, who you would love to work with and who values what you deliver.

In this blog today I share with you the 3 keys you need to take to unlock the vault and help your ideal perfect client find you. 


Become clear on who you who your ideal client is – someone who you would love to provide your service to.

For example …

My ideal client (let’s call her Michelle) wants a successful coaching business but she doesn’t know where to start and I want to help her to achieve this dream goal she holds deep within her heart.

She sees others making it work and thinks ‘HOW!?’ what are they doing that I’m not, what do they know that I don’t - why can they do it and I can’t!? And she is looking for the magic formula - searching for the missing piece.

She believes when she finds that piece she will create her success and impact the world.

What she doesn’t know right now is that her answer - the missing piece - is within her.  The magic formula is her - if only she knew.

Michelle is my ideal queen who I support with my 4 key formula - mind-set,, energy, healing and start up business strategy - to help her step into her true potential - I love her heart so much. 

I help her to find the missing piece and unlock the vault to her own success, helping her to build a successful, profitable and sustainable business. 

Do you know a Michelle? 

To help you become clear on your own ideal queen client, grab and note pad and pen and journal on the following question. 

Who do you want to help and what problem do you want to help them with? 

Answering the above question is the stepping stone to helping you to build an audience of ideal clients who you want to work with and who want to work with you.  


Become clear on who you want to serve and what her key problem is, the next important key to unlock is to understand deeper about your ideal client much deeper.  To feel into her dreams, her desires and her fears.To bring this to life, let me talk about Michelle (my ideal queen client) again. 

Michelle dreams of helping others - in fact she often goes to sleep thinking about not just getting her coaching business off the ground but to build a successful, profitable, sustainable business that impacts not just her clients now, but future generations.

However, she wakes up every day thinking ‘but how!?’.

She feels confused and overwhelmed, not knowing how to create this amazing business vision of her and she is scared.  Scared to be seen, scared that she isn’t not enough! Scared that she will be seen as a fraud!   

Words like – ‘I’m not good enough! I’m crap! They will hate me! I’ll be ridiculed’ are the internal stories playing out in her mind. Secretly she has this critical Kate in her mind saying - stop playing, you’ll never make it work’!!

So avoids talking to others about her dreams and desires, she shy’s away from been seen and instead keeps herself busy by studying some more and following other people who have created the success that’s deep in her heart -  in the hope that she finds that magic formula key and creates her success.

Another point about Michelle – she is also becoming fascinated by crystals and is intrigued by energy connection and intuition and she wants to learn more.

What she doesn’t currently realise is this ... the more she learns about crystals and how to connect to her own energy and her own intuition the more she helps herself to achieve her success.

I help her to make this connection and in turn we unlock the vault of success for Michelle.


To help you to gain a deeper clarity on your own ideal perfect client, grab and note pad and pen and journal on the following question. 

What are their dreams and desires, their hopes?

What are their fears and pains?

What keeps them up at night, the worries they have?

How do these played out in their life?

How do they stop themselves stepping forwards? 

Why is understanding and becoming clear on this so important? 

Well, as you begin to understand who you want to serve on a much deeper level you can then begin to speak in a way that they can hear you because your words resonate with them and they know you understand.

This is key number 3. 


Speak loud and clear so those ideal queens who are looking for you, who want to work with you, who value you, can find you!

Using the journal prompts from key steps 1 & 2 you can then begin to create content to share your message that speaks directly to the heart of your ideal clients. 

You can create quotes, short copy posts, long copy posts, emails, blogs and share across communication platforms, emails, social media, website, business network meetings.In turn your ideal queens will begin to find you. 

Your message shared will help them to feel seen, heard and understood and when someone knows you understand them, they really begin to see and hear you, see what is possible for them and understand that you are the one to help them. 

Now you have 3 key strategic steps that you can take to help your ideal queen to find you because they feel seen, heard and understood by You!


A final message to my ideal queen, Michelle

Despite the fears, you know deep down within you, this is your calling - it is time to step in and create this successful business that you have been dreaming about.

You are being called to work for yourself because there is a light inside of you that feels like it’s suddenly switched itself on.

You’ve done the employment and maybe even had a business in the past, but this light within you that has been ignited is telling you there is so much more for you to offer the world and you are ready for this!

Yet you secretly think you’re not good enough and you’re asking: Am I really ready for this?

You worry; what if you work with a client and you don’t help them, that you can’t hold space for or,You worry what if a client pays you but you are so bad at the job they will hate you and tell others how crap you are!

The fear monster really comes out to play mind games with you.Those worries are all false realities and are stopping you from helping others!  

You have 2 choices right now:

  • Stay where you are, where it’s comfortable and familiar for you
  • Make a conscious decision to step 100% into your personal power right now, clear the beliefs that are holding you back, learn the strategy that will help you to move forwards and take big action steps.

 I know that you are too Queen 

My question is ... What is stopping you

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