Becoming 360 Training Blog Is Comparison killing your Business Confidence?

Is Comparison killing your Business Confidence?


I was recently in my weekly Yoga class and I became aware of a constant inner voice chattering away to me and it was the VOICE OF COMPARISON.... I'm sure you know it well. I hadn't been too well and as a result had missed a few sessions of Yoga and fitness and I didn't feel as strong or as flexible as I usually did and I also had been feeling a bit bloated due to the illness and therefore had to do slightly modified moves to compensate.

Well my EGO did not like this at all and all of a sudden there she was, CRITICAL KATE - silently berating me for not being as good as her over there or her behind me, or how my body wasn't slim and toned like her or how my tummy bulged when I sat crossed legged - I mean it was CONTINUOUS and to be honest it shocked me a bit that I was putting up with this diatribe.

It then occurred to me while I was 'resting' in Downward Dog how we have this voice constantly in our business as well - how we scan social media and we take that one second snapshot of content someone else has produced and we create an entire fantasy business or life from it.

I always liked the quote "Don't compare your backstage to someone else's highlight reel" because it speaks the truth of what we all tend to do.

When I'm coaching people I will often hear people say "other people are so much more successful than me" or "they've got it all figured out, I just feel stuck" - and yet this is simply not true.


And although we might know this on a conscious level, it's at the nervous system we need to release and reset it - because the nervous system is where all our automatic behaviours happen, it's from the nervous system that constant chatter comes.

On a biological level the reason we compare ourselves is to measure how well we fit in, what our strengths are and what our weaknesses are, in tribal society this would make sense for the functioning of a tribal unit.

However in a world where other people's highlight reels are available 24/7 it's very easy to compare ourselves out of being truly successful and fulfilled within our own lives because we just don't think it matches up to what others are doing or achieving.

The challenge is, this is how it affects you...

- Spending hours scrolling other people's feeds and feeling worse and worse
- Not feeling inspired or motivated to take action, because well, why bother?
- Struggling with shiny object syndrome by jumping on every latest marketing trend as being the answer
- Low confidence when it comes to approaching others about opportunities or saying yes to things
- Feeling resentful of other people's success
- Not wanting to fully show up because you're just not GOOD ENOUGH!!!!

To name a few - either way it's not productive time for you or your business.

How can you STOP comparing yourself and start being the NICHE of you!

The thing is in business, there is ONLY one of you and there can only ever be ONE niche of you so pick your pony and ride it. There could be hundreds of Health Coaches, Confidence Coaches, Reiki Practitioners, Fitness Instructors or Life Coaches out there - but there is ONLY ONE YOU - so what's the point of comparison?

Here are some key steps to stop comparing yourself.

1. STOP the scroll, however tempting it is, give yourself some time out

2. Start to understand what is GREAT about you and your SERVICE you provide - you are UNIQUE, so you need to celebrate that

3. Write a list of all your strengths

4. Write a list about what lights you up about serving your 'ideal-fit-clients'

5. Practice GRATITUDE daily

6. Work on your money mindset energy (because you are WORTH it!!!)

7. Advanced energy work....EFT Tapping to stop comparing yourself unfavourably to others.

I've recorded a short tapping video here to give you a head start.

Once you create awareness around that critical voice you can start to witness it and be the observer of it - once you do that you can choose whether to believe it or choose something better for yourself.

So let's all say together... "It is safe for me to be successful and I'm happy for others to be successful too"

Much love

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