Becoming 360 Training Blog How to value what you do and charge your worth.

How to value what you do and charge your worth.


How to value what you do and charge your worth.

One of the areas Lisa and I often have to focus on when we're working with our heart-led entrepreneurs who we coach individually and within our Divine Goddess Business Mastermind is having the discussion about price points for packages and products. I can safely say 100% of the time the entrepreneur we're coaching will be under-charging for her time and her service and under-valuing what she delivers.

And we've all been there, doing things for free for the 'experience' or the 'testimonial' or 'forgetting' our new increased prices or going into a cold sweat when we even considered putting our prices up, let alone asking someone for more money!

A few years back when I was teaching several fitness classes per week I wanted to put my prices up from £4.50 per class to £5 per class - the first time I did it I thought I'd die, and all my class members would storm out and never come back convinced I was a charlatan and greedy! It was awful.

What actually happened, most of my clients welcomed the fact they didn't have to worry about that annoying 50p spare change, it was much easier to carry a fiver!! The stories about being seen as sleazy or greedy were all in my head and my nervous system.

Now while these money stories can be deeply ingrained from childhood - a great way to start looking at your value is seeing it from your clients point of view and see what the service is worth to them.

In the case of my fitness classes - I knew that once or twice a week, these ladies would come to my classes for an hour or two of 'me time' a break from the stress andf to enjoy some fun times with like-minded ladies, because I teach dance-fitness it was also escapism and self-expression, as they twerked like Beyonce and shimmyed like Madonna!

I also knew that I took good care of my class members, when they came into my class, I had them in my care and I gave the best service I could, making sure they had the safest exercise experience and also the most fun, by including everyone of them. It took alot of energy from me but I considered it a privilege that someone gave me their time to teach them.

I knew of at least two clients who's partners had terminal illnesses, for them that hour, gave them the much needed respite they physically and mentally needed to keep returning to the pressure cooker of their homes and be able to look after their families and continue to work in their jobs.

So, let's take a moment to review my previous 'stress-fess' of anxiety over increasing my prices by 50p!!

Each week I gave people a transformational experience that helped their physical and mental health, they felt better, they felt connected and it helped them with other aspects of their life. Instead I chose, at that point, to turn it inwards and make it about me and what they would think of me for daring to ask for more money.

This was because I had a story about 'greed' - because, let's face it, it's indemic in our society, that if you make a lot of money, you must
a) not deserve it and
b) be greedy.

And what was the truth? Was I trying to screw my class members out of money??? F*** no!! I had rising costs like petrol, music licences, hall rent, insurance and some classes I barely made £20 for what equated to a 3 hour trip from home, do the class and then return home.

So, when I started to understand the value I was actually giving to my clients, it made it easier for me to charge more and earn more.

Now my prices have increased dramatically with my Coaching services, because they had to, the transformations Lisa and I offer are life-changing, so we charge at a rate where they will be valued and we value our training we've invested in, hours we've invested and the experience we have.

So here is the other part of the equation if we don't charge at an appropriate rate or we give it away for free, what we're offering quite often won't be valued, which means the transformation that might have been possible, is lost because we devalued ourselves and therefore devalued our work. Which means we did a disservice to our clients in that moment and the potential life-changing opportunity they had - because we didn't ask for the 'energy exchange' - we didn't get their commitment to finding their solution, we just gave it freely.

The thing is, as long as you carry these feelings, the people you attract will keep valudating these thought patterns by telling you about how little money they have and how they can't afford much. As soon as you vibrationally shift into understanding your value - the people who show up, will be the people who want to and can invest in you.


1) When we make the 'cost' all about us we're not looking at the value of the transformation we offer to our clients and how it will impact their lives and all of the people who are connected with them.

2) When we under-charge or do things for free, we devalue our work, which means our clients will also devalue it and not commit so fully and gain the transformation they might have because they have no 'skin in the game'


If you're aware you're currently under-charging or feel guilty asking for money, write out what transformations you offer your clients with your products and services and potentially the impact that will have on their life and the people around them. Take your time in appreciating this, that THIS is actually what you do, the same as I didn't just deliver a dance-fitness class, I gave an hour of self-expression, fun, connection, love and joy.

TRANSFORMATION IS THE NAME OF THE GAME! When you connect with the transformation that you offer you can connect with your true value and asking for the price you want, won't be an issue and the people you want to work with, will be magnetised to you.

So much love



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