Becoming 360 Training Blog How to manifest a soul-aligned business that you love (part 2)

How to manifest a soul-aligned business that you love (part 2)


How to manifest a soul-aligned business that you love (part 2)

If you missed part 1 the link is HERE

This also could be called...How to build your business without relying exclusively on social media.

I wanted to discuss today about BECOMING VISIBLE in your business, because to activate momentum within your business, you have to at some point, speak to people, whether that's directly face to face / over Zoom or virtually via your emails, blogs or social media posts.

It's one of the most challenging things that as entrepreneurs, we have to do, unless you are a natural extrovert, most likely the idea of being more 'out there' fills you with dread!

I'll just mention briefly here the 5 steps to manifesting ANYTHING.....

1) Raise your vibes / feel good
2) Get clear on what you want
3) Declutter your limiting beliefs / physical clutter
4) Take aligned and strategic action
5) Trust and surrender

Now becoming VISIBLE comes under STEP 4 - while we might wish those darling IDEAL CLIENTS will just show up out of the blue, it does require us to take some action too. Lisa and I have both noticed that many of our clients are very attached to only posting on social media as a way to build their business however it also fills them with fear with the idea that they have to build up a BIG following or post relenetlessly every day, doing dancing reels and over-sharing stories, so we end up dealing with alot of's like a push pull type energy. "I know I need to, but I don't want to be seen"

In fact 3 of the biggest mistakes we've noticed for entrepreneurs just lately is:

1. Not building an email list
2. Only posting on Social Media
3. Not doing any type of networking

Have you noticed how much noise there is out in social media land? That's alot of noise competing for your lovely ideal clients attention. So how can you stand out and be the person that they come to?

One of the KEY things is to build up is your TRUST FACTOR - and if you're a dab hand with the old Instagram or TikTok stories, you may well find this a breeze, for many people (and let's just say for the lovely people in the demographic we tend to train, 40-55 years old, this often isn't a viable option to really build up some traction).

Over the last 4/5 years Lisa and I have built Becoming 360 one of the things we've noticed is, many of our clients have not come via social media, social media has helped build up trust, but it was not the thing that brought people to us, much of our business now is built on referrals or networking.

But we of course didn't start like that, we started with building a Facebook group, inviting people that we knew in and sharing with them what we knew. Those people, who already trusted us, because they'd met us or had worked with us, bought our initial programmes and courses, and they then recommended to people they knew. We built an email list and sent useful stuff out and as Lockdown finished we got out and networked both in-person or online.

We both prefer to be at home and not out and about, neither of us are naturally extroverted, so we do what feels good (this is key). For both of us that may only mean one networking meeting every other month. We also attend various classes, Yoga, kids clubs, workshops (this also counts as networking).

Social Media merely counts towards validation of what we do, it's not our main driving force.

My message today in is - to become MORE VISIBLE in your business and therefore taking the aligned and strategic action your business requires, does not have to be complicated or scary. It's doing more of what comes naturally to you.

If being on social media scares you witless, then THAT is not the right course of action for you. But maybe joining a Yoga class is, maybe joining a walking group is, maybe finding a network that feels aligned with you is, maybe learning about e-mail marketing is. It really doesn't matter WHAT you're doing as long as you're being intentional with WHAT you want to create for yourself (which comes back to STEP 2 - Knowing what you want)

Marketing example:

Intention: I want to attract one 1:1 ideal client this month

What feels aligned:

I will attend a weekly Yoga Class
I will go to one online networking group
I will send an email newsletter out
I will write a blog post
I will network in business groups
I will attend a workshop

Then trust and surrender that you're doing ALL you can and the Universe will play her part in bringing you what you want - so the key here is, don't be too attached to WHERE that new client comes from, because they may not come from the direct action you're taking but in through a side door that you hadn't expected.

May seem like a lot - but perhaps you pick 1 or 2 and you make sure you are there to connect, make friends etc Don't be shy about telling people what you do and see what happens.

People like people like themselves and they prefer to do business with people who they feel they can trust and that comes from CONNECTION not endless hours on social media trying to cultivate the perfect post. Social Media can help, but it's not the only way.

Remember, building a business away from social media takes time, effort, and patience. By focusing on providing value to your customers and building relationships with them, you can build a successful business without solely relying on social media.

If you'd love to know more about MANIFESTING & MARKETING - we have an amazing 21 Day self-study MANIFESTING & MARKETING MASTERY course for just £25 that covers how to start manifesting your ideal clients and you can check it out HERE

Always remember to believe in yourself and shine your light.


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