Becoming 360 Training Blog How to create multiple forms of income

How to create multiple forms of income


How to create multiple forms of income.

One of the mistakes I made on my journey into understanding about manifesting money and my money mindset was to become too narrowly focused on how or where my income came from. To be honest I thought I was doing the right thing at the time, I figured that if I didn't dilute my focus and stayed on track then I had more chance of creating momentum in my MLM business and to be fair my MLM business had 4 different streams of income attached to it - however they were all coming from the same source, and this create a big amount of resistance for me.

The challenge we have with this approach is we don't give the Universe any wiggle room to pay us the multiple ways it can send money our way. We restrict it's options. So if we believe that our income should come from our job, or from our single business, then while of course we can pick up gifts of money, refunds, prizes and free stuff - it makes it so much easier to drop our personal resistance if we have a few avenues for it to flow through.

What changes is our VIBRATION - we become less restricted in trying to figure out HOW the money we want will come to us and instead be open to being wonderfully surprised. I always like to say that the Universe answers us at right angles (usually the path of least resistance)

Like the time when myself and my hubby really needed an extra couple of grand for some upcoming expenses and I set my intention and set about creating it from my work and business - and then we get an email from our accountant saying we'd been overpaying them and they owed us.... yes a couple of grand!

It was the path of least resistance.

So the key thing is - keep your options open and don't try to figure out the how. Just let the Universe know what you want, do your bit in visualising, gratitude, embodying and then surrendering....and to make it easier for you to let go, start putting in place some passive income streams - that way it can come from anywhere and everywhere.

IMPORTANT: Don't get distracted going down rabbit holes of BIG 'extra-income' programmes that require a lot of time and effort - this is meant to be fun and joyful in creating avenues of money. Also, I'd recommend that you only pursue things you have an interest in and feel aligned with you - otherwise you won't feel congruent with what you're doing.

So, how can you create passive streams of income? (Please note passive income is never entirely passive and often you have to be quite active in starting it up initially, however when I talk about extra forms of income, what we're trying to get away from here is selling our time for money by taking on extra work hours - this is aimed at creating more money flowing into your bank account easily)

Here are a few ideas to get the juices flowing...

More passive once created
1) Write an Ebook about what you know and sell it on Amazon
2) Record it and sell it on Audible
3) Create a course that you can promote online in several places
(solve a problem for people - think about what problem would you have loved solved for you? Sell that)
4) Become an affiliate of programmes or with people you believe in
5) Create online tools for your client base or your colleagues - think cheat sheets, scripts, schedules, calendars, social media content and sell it
6) Record videos teaching people something and sell (workout videos or 'how to' videos are all great)

Not so passive
1) Create a short Group Coaching programme (a great way of boosting cashflow for a quick win)
2) A special offer on one of your services with limited availability or time
3) A package deal of a few of your products or services (this could be part live content and part recorded)
4) Create some promotional products within your genre of working and sell them on Etsy

Now I appreciate some of these you're going to look at and overwhelm and possibly Imposter Syndrome is going to kick in :-) Just start with ONE that feels easy, take action and progress from there. It doesn't matter if you don't understand about technology, in my experience, most things can be figured out as you go along (or you can YouTube it or ask a friend!)


Sell ONE product for £30 every week for one year = an extra £1560
Sell TWO products for £30 every week for one year = an extra £3120
Sell FIVE products for £30 every week for one year = an extra £7800
Sell TEN products for £30 every week for one year = an extra £15600 (which is 2 products a day for 5 days)

What will you choose to do?


Check out our 5 Step Money Mindset Makeover Course for just £27 (Usual price £111) Click Here


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