Becoming 360 Training Blog COACHES: The 4 biggest reasons your clients aren't buying your services and how to help them overcome them

COACHES: The 4 biggest reasons your clients aren't buying your services and how to help them overcome them


It's so frustrating isn't it? You meet your DREAM CLIENT and you KNOW that your services fit their challenges perfectly, and they are telling you that they would love to work with you because you GET THEM and you would ADORE to work with them and right at the moment you think the deal is done they put you off, telling you one of these most common reasons...

1. I can't afford it
2. I have to check with my partner
3. I've not got the time at the moment
4. It's just not the right time

Or something similar.....FRUSTRATING? Oh hell yes! Because WHAT can you do with these excuses? Read on for what the REAL reasons they're shutting you down and how you can help them overcome them.

Here are the FOUR biggest reasons people don't take action on their dreams and are avoiding working with you.


One of the biggest reasons people don't take action on their dreams is fear of failure. They worry about what will happen if they try and don't succeed, or if they put themselves out there and are rejected. This fear can be paralysing and prevent them from even starting. However, it's important to remember that failure is a natural part of the learning process. Instead of seeing failure as a negative outcome.

Help your client try to reframe it as a learning opportunity, demonstrate to them where they have already leveraged failure to accomplish even greater success.

For example: When they were a baby they didn't give up walking the first time they fell over, they kept getting up until they could walk. Everything in life and business is the same. Failure isn't terminal and neither should it be avoided - we've been conditioned to think it's a bad thing, when really it's just a transitory phase of life.


Another reason people don't take action on their dreams is a lack of clarity. They may have a general idea of what they want to achieve, but they haven't taken the time to define their goal and break it down into actionable steps. Without a clear plan, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. To overcome this, ask them to take the time to get clear on their vision, have them feel in to it so they know how exciting it will be when they get there. Then advise them to break it down into smaller, manageable steps that they can take action on each day.

Show them, how working with you will help them not only achieve greater clarity but also to help them take action on things more quickly than procratinating and sabotaging their vision.


Self-doubt is a common reason people don't take action on their dreams. They may doubt their own abilities or feel like they're not worthy of success. This negative self-talk can be a major barrier to achieving their goals. To overcome self-doubt,have them start by focusing on their strengths and achievements. Have them take the time to reflect on their past successes and remind them of their abilities. They need to surround themselves with positive, supportive people who believe in them and their dreams. (AKA you!)


The fear of success is a common psychological phenomenon where individuals feel afraid of achieving their goals or becoming successful. It is often rooted in a fear of the unknown or a fear of change. People may feel overwhelmed by the responsibility that comes with success or worry that their success will change their relationships or their sense of identity. The fear of success can be a major barrier to achieving their goals and living their best life.

Most people don't realise that the reason they are sabotaging their success is because they fear what is on the other side alongside all their dreams - working through the issues with you such as Imposter syndrome, past business traumas, fear of burnout or overwhelm can be key in them achieving the success they're dreaming of.

By clearly demonstrating that YOU understand their struggle like no-one else can - they are more likely to commit to start working with you as they trust your insights.

CONCLUSION: THEY BIG CLUE TO WHY THEY SAY NO - Usually the REASON they come to you to that they want help with will also be the REASON they say "no + logical well thought out excuse" - by you being the coach who CALLS IT OUT - you can help them deal with their own self-sabotage before it even gets going and get them moving forward with you as their coach helping them achieve their goals.

Want more help in leveraging your DIVINE Power into a spirtually and financially prosperous business and career while surrounding yourself with the right community of positive and inspiring women? Check out our Becoming 360 ELITE Soul Aligned Business Success Membership here

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