Becoming 360 Training Blog MONEY CLARITY: How to fall in love with selling so you sell with ease

MONEY CLARITY: How to fall in love with selling so you sell with ease


MONEY CLARITY: How to fall in love with selling so you can sell with ease

Do you hate selling?

Most people do. They hate the idea that they may come across as some sleazy 1970s archetype of car salesman - plus we've all been 'sold' to by someone who is a little bit over zealous and we can't wait to get away... with 'no, I'm fine thank you' being our polite way of saying 'bugger off'... or worse!

When you are in any service or product-led industry, you have to sell. Honestly, this is why most small businesses struggle; they have so much fear about how they will be perceived - greedy, sleazy, pushy, the list goes on - and it's enough to stop any well-meaning, heart-centred entrepreneur in their tracks, because no-one wants to feel that way.

Result: they don't sell, hoping and praying that they have enough 'attraction marketing' going on that customers will simply come along to buy from them. Now, we're huge believers in attraction marketing, but as they say in Yorkshire: 'You don't get owt for nowt'. Translation:  you've got to show willing with the Universe to get something in return - you have to take some aligned action, which means selling too.

FORTUNATELY... WE LOVE SELLING AND WE LOVE TEACHING SELLING! In fact, we have a fabulous programme called Selling with SASS which gives you all of the tools to sell like a Queen on your Discovery or Clarity Calls. You can find the details here: Selling with SASS

Anyway - let us give you some tips that can help you REFRAME how you feel about selling.

1) Selling is serving - serving at your highest level with your unique gifts and talents. If not you, then who? If you don't sell, someone else will... and they may not be as good as you, they may not be as compassionate as you and they may not be able to offer the type of transformation you can.

Therefore: if you don't sell, you're doing your ideal clients a disservice by being afraid to shine your light.

2) People are better with you than without you - if someone has a painful and urgent problem that is keeping them awake at night... and you KNOW how to solve it, then absolutely, they are better off with you. Not just that, though. One of your superpowers is that YOU CARE about helping them solve their problem as much as they do, so who better to lead them to their path of solutionville?

3) Giving away something for free doesn't allow them to 'buy in' to the solution, which means negligible to non-existent results - let's face it, we've all done 'free' - maybe to friends and family, maybe to folk we really wanted to help. They swore they would take your solution seriously and then... what? Nothing! Excuses that they couldn't find the time to put into it!

We've all been there - and how does that make you feel? Mad as hell, right? How dare they take your precious solution so casually! Do they know how much time and effort you put into it? They should respect you more...


Well, to be honest, you gave them permission to treat you and your solution that way, because you devalued it the moment you gave it away. This means they also don't see the value in it... so they don't get the solution! You actually do them (another) disservice, because you didn't ask for the money!

By asking for payment, you put their commitment front and centre. Anyone willing to hand over some money must be serious about wanting the solution, and (apologies if this seems hard-nosed) if they then cannot find the time for it, that's not on you but on them. They're self-sabotaging themselves, but at least your money issues didn't come into it.

Selling is a heart-led process, which starts with you getting clear on your energetic relationship with money. If you have a complicated relationship with money then selling will always seem hard, because when it comes to asking for the money, all of those complications will come flooding into your nervous system and stop you in your tracks. However, if you love money and find it easy to work with it and to ask others for a fair exchange for what you're offering - money will flow into your life easily.


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